Programs, Booklets, Calendars, Paperback Books


Programs & Booklets

From Playbills, Annual Reports, Event Programs or larger catalogs, we take great care to ensure proper pagination and output of all elements throughout.

We offer multiple binding methods, including plastic coil, comb, metal wire, perfect binding, tape binding, 3-hole drill for 3-ring binders, and saddle-stitch stapling.



Create a custom calendar for company distribution or organization fundraising! Our designers begin with a calendar template and can customize it, giving you not only unique pictures throughout, but also variable verbiage and special days or holidays on each layout.

We also have stock calendars that can be customized with your information for high volume, low cost per unit distribution.


Paperback Books

From course catalogs, instruction manuals and educational workbooks, we offer paperback book production, both short-run to mid-size volume. We can assist you with pagination, cover design, offering in-house perfect binding and 3-knife face-trimming, giving every book a professional look.

PSST: Common book sizes include 5.5”x8.5”, 6”x9” and 8.5”x11” - these sizes make the best use of the parent sheets. Designing at these sizes will save you a lot of headaches and money.